The best speech therapy games for children
Speech therapy games are an effective way to support speech development in preschool and early school children. They can improve articulation, expand vocabulary, and improve the speech apparatus in an engaging and joyful way. In this article, we present interesting speech therapy games for children that can be used both at home and in preschool.
Why is it worth using speech therapy games?
✔ Helps develop correct articulation.
✔ Improves respiratory and phonatory coordination.
✔ Strengthens the muscles of the tongue, lips and palate.
✔ Stimulates phonemic hearing and language skills.
✔ They increase the child's motivation to speak and practice pronunciation.
Speech therapy games for 2 year olds
Children aged 2 learn through imitation and simple onomatopoeic games. Here are some suggestions:
✔ "We imitate animals" – the child repeats the sounds made by animals, e.g. "woof-woof", "meow", "moo".
✔ "Soap bubbles" - bubble blowing exercises help develop respiratory strength and control over the air flow.
✔ "Songs and nursery rhymes" – simple poems and songs support speech development.
✔ "Mirror game" – the child imitates the parent's facial expressions and makes simple movements with the tongue.
Speech therapy games for 3 year olds
Three-year-olds have greater linguistic awareness, so their play can be more complex.
✔ "Mouth and tongue gymnastics" – the child makes faces, e.g. opens his mouth wide, moves his tongue from side to side, smacks his lips.
✔ “Echo” – the parent says a word or phrase and the child repeats it with different intonation.
✔ "Straw track" – the child moves light objects (e.g. papers) by blowing through a straw.
✔ “Sound Seekers” – naming and describing different sounds in the environment.
Interesting speech therapy games for children
Here are some creative ideas for games that develop speech in a fun way:
✔ "What's in the bag?" – the child touches the object in the bag and describes its features.
✔ “We speak in rhythm” – pronouncing words in rhythm with clapping or tapping on the table.
✔ "Telling Stories" – creating simple stories based on pictures.
✔ "Mysterious Objects" – guess what a hidden character is saying using a different voice.
Group speech therapy games in kindergarten
Group classes promote interaction and motivation to exercise.
✔ “Telephone” – children whisper a word or sentence to each other.
✔ “Rhyming game” – children take turns coming up with rhyming words.
✔ "Who said that?" – the child must guess who said a given word.
✔ "Balloon Talk" – passing a balloon while saying a specific word.
Creative speech therapy games
Activities can be tailored to your child's interests to make them as engaging as possible.
✔ "Master of Diction" – pronouncing difficult words at a rapid pace.
✔ "Shadow Theatre" – imitating various voices and dialogues.
✔ "Colourful cups" – assigning sounds to coloured objects.
✔ “Sound Guessing” – recognizing and imitating different sounds.
Speech therapy games for children are a great way to support speech development in an engaging and fun way. Speech therapy games for 2-year-olds and speech therapy games for 3-year-olds can include simple onomatopoeic and breathing exercises, while group speech therapy games in kindergarten promote interaction and group learning. Regularly introducing speech therapy games into everyday life helps children develop communication skills in a fun and natural way.