Children. They are an inexhaustible source of energy, infinite imagination and a pure, unfiltered view of the world. For them, every puddle is an ocean, and every flower a treasure worth searching for. We, adults, overwhelmed by everyday life, rush past these "little things". But what if we could stop for a moment and start looking at reality the way children see it? What can we take from them to regain joy and a fresh perspective on life?
1. Learning to admire simple things
When was the last time you were delighted by the sight of falling rain? For children, it is an event: the dance of drops on the window, the opportunity to catch rain in your hand, the joy of splashing in a puddle. Children teach us that you don't need great attractions to feel happy. It is enough to be able to notice that magic happens around us every day - all you need to do is stop for a moment.
2. Imagination as a tool for solving problems
Imagine that all limitations disappear. Do you see the castle made of blankets, the rocket made of cardboard and the city built of blocks? Children create a world without rules, without "this is not possible". For them, everything is possible and every challenge is a chance to discover a new solution. Let's learn from them this approach, let's let our imagination take over and find innovative ways to solve everyday problems.
3. Curiosity as a driving force for action
Why is the sky blue? How do trees grow? Why do cars move? These questions, which may seem trivial to us, are a gateway to endless exploration for children. Their curiosity about the world has no limits. What if we tried to dust off our own curiosity? If we started asking “why” again? This approach opens the door to learning, development, and fascination with what surrounds us.
4. Joy from small successes
For a child, tying their shoe for the first time is a triumph, and drawing the sun on their own is a work worthy of a Nobel Prize winner. We adults often forget to enjoy small victories. That is why it is worth looking at ourselves through the eyes of a child and feeling proud of things that seem obvious to us. This builds self-confidence and reminds us that every step forward matters.
5. Play as a way to develop
Play is not a waste of time – it is a way for children to learn about the world. When we see them running, drawing or inventing their own rules for a game, we can learn how to introduce a little lightness into our own lives. Creative play is not just for the youngest. We too can find something that brings us joy, allows us to break away from routine and relax in a way that opens us to new ideas.
6. Authenticity without masks
Children don’t pretend. They laugh when they’re happy, cry when they’re sad. They don’t put on a mask to please someone. This honesty is a reminder that being authentic is one of the easiest ways to a more fulfilling life. You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not – just be yourself, even if that means showing your weaknesses.
7. Carefreeness as an antidote to stress
It's not about ignoring your responsibilities, but about remembering what it's like when you're only worried about whether you'll make it to the playground in time. Children have a natural lightness and the ability to be "here and now". We adults often drown in worries about the future. Maybe sometimes it's worth taking a cue from children and giving yourself a moment to be carefree?
Summary: the child in us, or a return to the sources
Each of us was once a child. And each of us carries these experiences within us – the ability to be amazed, curiosity, imagination, joy in simple things. Children remind us that these traits are still within us, they just need to be dug out from under the layers of adult worries. Maybe it's worth putting your phone down for a moment, stopping thinking about tomorrow and seeing the world as a child sees it. Thanks to this, we can discover that life has many more colors and shades than we think.